Monday, January 14, 2008

Elections message from National Board!

ELECTION SEASON 2008 IS OFF TO A START! You can register to vote right from this blog!

The following primaries/caucuses will take place this month:

Michigan Primary – January 15
Nevada Caucuses – January 19
South Carolina Republican Primary – January 19
South Carolina Democratic Primary – January 26 (SRBLSA convention!)
Florida Primary – January 29And Super Tuesday is February 5, 2008!

DON'T FORGET TO REQUEST AN ABSENTEE BALLOT FOR YOUR STATE PRIMARY! Many law students are away from their home addresses for Election Day. Make sure your vote counts by requesting and sending in your absentee ballot on time. Many states allow you to request a ballot online. Check out your state’s Secretary of State website or for information specific to your state. Some states allow you to vote absentee even if you will be present on Election Day. This is an excellent way to avoid lines and any mishaps that may occur at your polling location. Take advantage of the service and cast your vote through absentee!


Every NBLSA member has been challenged to register four new voters this year. Reach out to your family, friends, coworkers, clients, service providers, and anyone else you encounter. You never know who is waiting on you to ask them to register to vote. Enhance the voice of our community and register voters!RECOGNIZE THE POWER OF YOUR VOTE! Your vote and those you register could be the determining factor in 2008. This is an important election year. Every vote, in every election counts. As we elect our next President, make sure your voice is heard at every point of the decision!

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